Tuesday, August 03, 2010

I Like This Tool

Does anyone know what it's called?  I suppose browsing Burpee's site or catalog might offer a hint.  Later. :)

This is just the business end of it; it is long, much like a hoe (the handle is plastic, however), and has the wavy-blade-thing on both sides, so whether you're pushing or pulling it does the job.

I showed my dad this treasure (gleaned from my maternal grandpa's garage after his death), and his response was lackluster.  "Grandpa (his dad) used to have one of those.  Didn't like it."  I laughed and we both said, "it doesn't pull out the roots!"  If you knew my grandfather, you'd understand.  The man was nothing if not meticulous. :) But he didn't have sole care of a garden and four young children.  Ever.  Me, I'm okay if the roots don't come out.  Been there, done that, there are still weeds in my garden.  And if I have to choose between letting them flourish and at least slowing them down, well, I'll take slowing them down.  And it has worked; the corn was able to get established without being choked out, as were some of the beans that survived the grasshoppers.  To my knowledge this doesn't slow grasshoppers down any...

Speaking of favorite garden tools, I have work to do!


i cant decide said...

I have something like that and I love it. It's a great tool. I need to find it and use it!

Rachel said...

It looks like a crazy wavy reciprocating hoe. I like em too :)