Friday, March 04, 2011

Spring Signs

Well, I can't leave that last depressing post at the top. I'm hoping it is/was hormones, winter blues, kids cooped up for months...

Today Little Artist headed out to the van to search for her $3 used roller blades, but burst right back into the house.

"[Big Sister]! I hear the tweeting of summer birds!"

Big Sister hurried out with her and confirmed the song of the meadowlark has returned to us. Truly, that song is such a welcome gift, whether March or August. And so too is the excitement with which my six-year-old announces such a thing. :)

At six, I certainly wasn't tuned into the signs of the seasons like that. I'm grateful that my girls *are*. :)


Rose said...

I love those signs of springs. Recently we've seen bluebirds and a robin.

Fatima said...

Spring is coming on fast here! I sent the kids out with their learning journals and they came back with some amazing pictures! My favorite was the line of ants marching across my son's paper! I never thought of ants as a sign of spring, but I suppose they are.