Monday, October 06, 2008

Turkey Sunday

We did manage to harvest our last turkey hen yesterday (well, Hubby did it). She went from the turkey pen to Mama's table in just... well, several hours, actually. I forgot to inject the meat with broth and whatnot, and I'm disappointed in the tenderness (or lack thereof) of the meat. That, or watching her compadres disappear one by one the day before got her all uptight! We don't have a scale (that weighs over six pounds), but she was approximately the size of a large store-bought turkey. She fit into my great-grandma's turkey roaster, but kicked her ankles out from under the lid while roasting. I made mashed potatoes (be thankful I didn't photograph them, ladies. They were harvest leftovers from a commercial field, and VERY LARGE MUTANT looking critters), gravy (oh, I so love gravy!), and green beans. I also put up (more!) tomatoes, and left the house an absolute mess. I really don't want to go downstairs today at all. *sigh*

It's been that way, lately. Saturday night I got the girls bathed, their clothes ready, even showered myself (!) - Sunday morning I fed them all, got them ready, piled into the car, drove 25 minutes to church - and forgot the diaper bag. There are a couple other little ones in the church, but no one I know well enough to ask, and when I did a quick search, there was no Emergency Stash For Idiot Mothers on hand. Neither was there a ladies' room dispenser of other Absolutely Necessary Items (that were also in the diaper bag), so we had to greet everyone and then turn around and go home. Very frustrating. We had toyed with the idea of returning, but with gas prices and baby's Deep Desire to leave the carseat and find her crib, we decided against it.

Well, it's time to gather up some motivation, bend my back to the work (and my children's wills), and try to make this place liveable for once. :) Wish me luck! (better yet, pray for us?)

1 comment:

The Pauls' Family said...

We want to get our turkey in the oven for thanksgiving (Oct. 13th for Canada). We have never done it before so it will be a new experience. Maybe you can give us some tips!?!

I forgot the diaper bag yesterday too. Thankfully we were going to my in-laws who did have an emergency stash. You would think that after 18 years of needing to take a diaper bag I wouldn't forget:)Mayve someday I will get it all together?