Monday, June 11, 2007

Big Red's Therapy

Big Red is our rooster. He's big, and red, surprisingly. He's not the only rooster on the property in need of an attitude-adjustment, but he's the topic of this post. Yes, he's the one who was kicked back into the pen. Roosters don't herd like hens. You can more-or-less chase/walk a hen and she will walk away from you. If you approach a rooster with intent to make him go in a direction (sometimes without the intent), he will face towards you with a threatening stance, fluff up his neck feathers (which would probably make nice jewelry if he doesn't watch it), and try to jump up to your leg to scratch you. They don't seem to use their beaks for violence (again, I'm not comfortable testing that out, so...).
Hubby is very concerned for the attitude of Big Red. Hubby wants Big Red to be nice. Nice and compliant, and maybe even learn to make espresso. He has tried a few things (no espresso-training yet, though). Red was threatening Hubby through the chicken wire one morning, and Hubby isn't about to back down from something shorter than his knee, so he got in Red's face as well. He leaned over the fence, and with several expressions of "oh yeah? You think you're the big man? You want summa this?" smacked Big Red in the face repeatedly. Backhand and forehand, so as not to worsen the carpal tunnel I'm sure. That treatment hasn't completely cured Red, however. I don't blame him; his head is pretty small, so I imagine his brain is too. Compromised learning ability, see.
As a child, hubby was diagnosed with various forms of things that cause compromised learning ability, but God has done some amazing work in him, and there is no sign of attention-deficit, especially if there is a motorcycle within view. I think this might've been the impetus for Hubby's most recent therapy-attempt. Perhaps it would help if Big Red would learn to ride the motorcycle?
Red didn't understand holding onto the handlebars with his feet. He probably also didn't understand the sound and vibration of the event. Hubby clutched him to his chest, but found it complicated to use the clutch and throttle with one hand (especially since they're on different sides, for those of you like me, who aren't terribly familiar with the Parts-of-Cycle).
Red did agree to pose for a lovely picture with Hubby, however.
He doesn't know that the next attempt will be to use the bungee cords on the rear of the bike...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What type of rooster is Red? Is he a Rhode Island? He sounds aggressive. :) I had one like him, but he met his match with a raccoon. I liked him, but my new one who is aggressive will be butchered soon. I like them with more personality than spunk/aggression. :)