Thursday, November 01, 2007

Super Man

We're not done with this journey, but I've been dying to post a "before and after" post about Hubby's diet. Perhaps it should be "before and during". He's lost in the neighborhood of 50 lbs since last March. He still has 20 or 30 to go, and then maintain that for the rest of his entire life. Which might be tricky, because he loves to eat. It's something he's always been good at. :) And I love to cook and bake (and eat). I'm praying for God to keep us from being idolatrous in our eating. I think it's so easy for us to do.

Anyways, here is a photo of Hubby from October of 2006:

(No, not our house. We keep the un-painted parts outside and only mess up things like expensive countertops)

I know, he's a handsome one, but that's not the point. Compare that with the next one...

(Big Sister's sixth birthday, celebrated September 8th or so. And no, Hubby couldn't have any cake. It was an organic cake mix [I know; sounds like an oxymoron] with wheat in it.)

Now, to be fair, he doesn't always look that gaunt. Maybe it's the lighting. But you can surely see the difference! I casually mentioned to a friend (who hadn't seen him for a long time and didn't even recognize him at first) that he is "half the man he used to be". Really he's still like 5/6 the man he used to be.

But I've had more than one wife say to me, "my husband would NEVER be so disciplined..." He's no saint, mind you. Just yesterday I made him some grand barley-with-egg-substitute pancakes for dinner, and he put PEANUT BUTTER on them! I had another not-quite-submissive moment I'm afraid. "Is that peanut butter? What do you think you're doing??? This is DAY TWO and peanuts are a DAY THREE item! Now I have to remember not to cook with peanut oil tomorrow. If you don't care about the logistics of this diet, why am I making myself crazy over it? It's not like I'm not busy enough, mind you....[blah blah blah blah nag nag nag sigh pray]." I think I'd do better if I could start with the 'pray' part. But really, when you decide you want to live a good, long life (not good and short, like my brother recommends, nor miserable and long, dealing with chronic health issues), you realize you have to start making some serious changes. Having monthly appointments with the naturopath helps with accountability too.

Bottom line; good job Hubby. You might be 5/6 of what you were a year ago, but you're bigger and better in heart and soul. I'm so very, very proud of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! He really does look different. He has lost alot of weight. It does take alot of discipline to eat like that and to be able to lose that much weight and stick to it. That is something I am trying to work on right now. I have lost 13 pounds in the last 2 months or so. My biggest problems are staying away from the sweets. I have been praying about this for a very long time. I feel like the closer I get with God the easier it is. It never really is easy but I have God to help me through it. I am telling myself that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I have to take care of it. I really am sinning when I over eat. I have been trying to change my thinking and listen to what God is trying to say and it is really helping although I have a long road ahead of me.