Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Celebrities Visit

Have you noticed? The past couple weeks have resulted in comments from Kendra of Preschoolers and Peace, AND her very funny dentist hubby, "Fletch" of The Mango Times. He jokes about his 'three readers'. I think that's more than mine, though. :) Oddly enough, I know I've never commented at The Mango Times, and maybe once, ages ago at Preschoolers and Peace. I read them frequently, though, so maybe they have one of those magic internet tracking devices or something, and they know who visits. I want one of those. To see if I really do have three readers or not. So, the odd part is that they know. The amazing part is that they clicked here and left a comment. Do you suppose a mother or father of seven (I think) kids does that a lot? Takes time to say 'congratulations on your cute baby' or 'thanks for the link, and we multiply, not add'? *I'm* blessed, for sure. Whether they do that a lot or not. Don't tell Fletch that I think fluoride is evil, though. That, combined with my reference to 'crazily-huge homeschooling families' might prompt him to delete his comment (can you do that? I bet he can. Probably has a magic internet comment-deleter) and that would be devastating to my blog-comments-by-celebrities stats.


Anonymous said...

celebrity? hardly a celebrity. my only claim to fame is the editorship to theMangoTimes: http://www.themangotimes.com/?p=238
by the way it is seven kids...and they are fluoride free...except for the Aim toothpaste they happen to swallow post-brushing (it is a favorite of theMT, but that is based only on flavor...i could eat the stuff like candy jelly).
we do have fancy internet tracking devices...i like to use anything that makes me more like jack bauer from "24"
happy blogging - fletch

Kendra Fletcher said...

The really weird thing? Fletch emailed your post to me so I could see it. His tracker is far more involved than mine, but I just use Site Meter. You can get it, too :)

I'm with you on the scary big homeschooling family thing. We were going to have four. In our great wisdom, that is. And now, of course, we're so thankful we didn't stop. God is so good! And so much wiser than I.

EllaJac said...

Anyone who manages to put their actual own picture at the top of their blog, instead of having to use a template is a celebrity.
Seven is a great number... but haven't you recommended fluoride stuff to people who've asked? I thought I saw that. My kids use Melaleuca's 'training tooth gel', as they do their swallowing pre- and peri-brushing, as well as post. Occasionally followed up by post-brushing squeeze-the-tube-out-onto-the-couch.
I'm sure if you (with seven kids) can find time to locate and use a jack bauer-esque device, I have no excuse. Between blogging, homeschooling, and nursing the baby, I'll be looking into it...

EllaJac said...

Kendra, I'll look up site meter. Thanks!
And yes, God is so good. I 'used to' want to have five (when I was young and clueless), then I got married and decided Hubby was the work of three (so plus the two girls...?).. I admire your faith; I think I could (maybe) handle a 'big' family at this point, what I"m not so sure about is my ability to handle the frequency with which the members might arrive...