Sunday, November 11, 2007


In case you aren't sure, that's pronounced, "ooo-OOO'-ooo..." As in, "wow, isn't THAT amazing?"

Isn't it?

My new look. Well, the look is pretty much the same, but the arrangement of the look is mighty fine.

I tried to add a nice November-ish photo to the header, but the darn thing took up the whole screen, and stretched far off into the netherworld beyond the right side of my cute little parchment paper here. Not very cool. Someday perhaps I"ll figure out how to fix that. Or maybe I'll just put the monstrosity on here for kicks.

Do you like the photo to the left? That's something I'll try to update every day or two... Gotta keep my THREE (yes, we're increasing exponentially around here!) readers coming back, ya know. And another effort at that: Stay tuned for the day in which I manage to restart the computer and thereby enable it to recognize my camera and transfer a pile of pics! At that point, I'll have fodder for some great project posts, evidence of Kendra's bad influence, and proof of a CPA gone wild.

And people think this place is boring...


MamaJ said...

Ohoh, I must comment! I am having the same problem trying to get a new picture to fit in my header. When you figure it out, please let me know! Until then, the jumbo turkey is pretty funny! love your blog!

EllaJac said...

MamaJ, IT"S NOT EASY!!! I'm on the verge of having it "figured out", but there are still a few kinks... I'll let you know when it's working.

MamaJ said...

Hey again. Thx for visiting my blog back! I think we have Microsoft Picture Manager, not very impressed with it.