Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I did it.

I mopped.

My birthday present to me; a decent kitchen floor!

Nothing like public admission about days-old raspberry sauce coating the floor to guilt one into housework. I left the computer after posting that and got right to it. The maidens awoke, but I pressed on and prevailed, eventually. Meaning, I DID have to abandon mop and bucket (after being done) to save Baby from her tears (and wet diaper), at which point Little Monkey took some nice white flour-sacking dishtowels and dumped them in the mop bucket. She followed this with dragging said soggy dishtowels around the floor and then making runs through it. My too-harsh admonishment garnered this response:

"But... I was just being like Lucifer!"*

Like Lucifer indeed!

*I think she's referring to the evil cat in Cinderella that makes pawprints through Cinderella's careful mopping... I hope, anyway!


MamaJ said...

Let me tell you about our recent mopping scenario... We have one of those "Ready Mop" things in addition to the standard squeeze-it-out kind. The 17 month old thought it was a neat contraption and started squirting cleaner all over the floor. I thought to myself, "Hey, let's teach him how to do it, easier on me!" So, I showed him how to keep rubbing the cleaner into the floor to "mop" it up. He loved it!! Voila! Floor mopped? Check. Talk about needing to get my act together with the mopping, huh? Hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

how cute, she is a pretty cute gal